Tuesday 15 April 2014

Amitabh Bachchan

I have been an Amitabh Bachchan fan/admirer since I was a kid as are most Indians. Everyone knows about his life, his movies, KBC. He might be the most recognized Indian across the globe. Four generations have seen him in movies, on TV in ads, in the media etc etc. My son, knows him quite well though he is just 10 years and Amitabh was already in his sixties when he was born.

At this point of his life the thing which strikes me the most is the longevity of his fame, the way he is still driving himself. I mean at 71 years of age he is far more active than people half his age and is able to maintain a jam-packed schedule. He is everywhere......... in movies, on TV, at book launches, shows, charity events, award functions, marriages, birthdays, you name it. How does he do it?

I closely follow his blog.He is now on Day 2190, without missing a single day. That means for 6 years he has written his blog every single day.....quite unbelievable. Apart from this he makes daily updates on FB and Twitter also. Mind boggling. He mostly ends his blogs in the wee hours of the morning like 2am and then might say he has to catch a flight at 6am !!

Some people think he doesn't write his blogs himself. I don't believe that. It is quite obvious when you read it that it is not ghost written.

Perhaps this is the secret of his success. Once he commits to something he does it at all costs and very consistently. Also, how organized and disciplined he is. If only we can take a leaf out of his book.

A lot can be written about the 'Big B'.........perhaps another day, another blog......

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