Sunday, 27 July 2014

Gaza Crisis and the Role of Egypt

Since Israel's brutal offensive on Gaza called 'Operation Protective Edge' took a turn for the worse, I have been trying to understand the history of this conflict better. I would say that I have a limited understanding now. Without any doubt this conflict is much more complex than the one we have seen closer home in India, the Kashmir Issue.

In case of Kashmir, there is no dispute on the fact that there has always been a region called Kashmir there. The conflict is about, when the British left, whether Kashmir should have become part of Pakistan, or India or it should have become independent.

Whereas in the case of the Arab-Israel conflict, the fundamental dispute is about the carving out of a homeland for Jews in a region where they had been a very small minority. And in doing that displacing the Palestinian majority (80% in 1948) from their lands. It was the homeland for Palestinians for 800 years. It was a grossly unjust decision by the western powers. It is said that when the British Raj ended, they made sure that they would leave behind a situation which they knew would be the cause of great strife in that region. The creation of Israel and the Kashmir Issue are the best examples of this.

To complicate matters since then the West has backed and armed Israel, the Arab countries have fought wars with Israel in 1948, 1956, 1967 and 1973. Israel has come out on top in most of these wars. This is despite the fact that it was surrounded on all sides by hostile Arab countries like Egypt, Jordan, Lebanon, Turkey, Syria, Saudi Arabia,Iraq and Iran. Most of these countries are huge compared to the size of Israel. The main reason for that has been the disunity and mistrust between the Arab nations.

I was reading somewhere that today the size of the Egyptian Army itself is more than the whole population of Israel !! Admittedly it will be difficult for any of these Arab countries to get into a full scale war with Israel now as it has nearly 200 nuclear warheads but there are so many other ways of confronting and pressuring Israel.

As the Israelies have continued to build illegal settlements and keep increasing their share of the area in complete defiance of International laws and UN resolutions, the Palestinians are forced to live in small areas. One such is Gaza which is adjoining Egypt on its western side. It is said that Gaza is so thickly populated that if anyone throws a stone it is sure to hit some one. Imagine what will happen if it is constantly pounded by missiles and bombs from F-16's !! The toll in the current operation has reached more than 1000, mostly women and children.

One can keep condemning Israel for this brutality. It has become a law unto itself with the backing of the West.

But what about the role of the Arab countries in this crisis. Rather than extending any help to the people of Gaza they are just sitting and watching.

Most shameful is the role of Egypt in this crisis. As you can see in the map, the only border with Gaza not controlled by Israel is the Rafah border with Egypt. And Egypt has sealed this border !! Leave aside allowing refugees they are not even allowing humanitarian aid to go through this border to Gaza. We should all hang our heads in shame at the conduct of a fellow Muslim country to the suffering in Gaza.

The reason Egypt gives for closing the Rafah border is that in earlier conflicts when they opened the border, it was flooded with refugees from Gaza who bought so much food, petrol and other supplies that it caused shortages and price rise in that region of Egypt.

Is this not a small price to pay for helping people who have nowhere to go for help?

The real reason is International pressure and the control of the west on the military regime in Egypt. Al Sisi's conduct in this situation has been deplorable. He heads the biggest army in the Arab world but chooses to look the other way.Egypt has not even allowed help coming from Iran to reach Gaza as they fear Iran wants to increase its influence in Palestine. Is this the time to have such a narrow view of things.

In the earlier wars with Israel, Egypt was in the forefront. Gamal Abdel Nasser was a much respected leader across the Arab world. It is sad to see the stand the same country has taken now.

The lesson for the Muslim Ummah is clear. It can have all the resources in the world but it will have very little influence if there is disunity and mistrust.

We hope and pray that the suffering of the people in Gaza ends soon and a lasting solution is found to this issue.

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