By Ali Rizvi, on Facebook
Dear people-who-vote-for-illiterate-thugs,
Let us come to an understanding.
Let me, a Muslim, hereby declare and admit that I and people of my community have been adequately humiliated and rendered irrelevant as far as Indian politics is concerned. We're the most definitive outcasts in New India, a people who silently implore opposition parties to not speak in our favour, for it brings us greater alienation. We've begun to repent for the sins of people long dead, from Mughals to Early Man, and even those living but unconnected to us-- like Hardik, Alpesh and Jignesh (or 'HAJ', as a recent poster told us).
This is your moment in history. Mullas have been shown their place, and men wearing saffron robes or khaki knickers rule the country. Hopefully, your ancestors are avenged and your lost pride is restored. Hopefully, the squealing of Akhlaq, Pehlu Khan and Junaid has soothed your ears and balmed your hurt soul. Remember the disappointment on the faces of Muslims, who, despite all their strategising, failed to stop your cowherd-with-a-penchant-for-necrophilia? You have so much to cherish for a long time.
So the next time you step out to vote, feel free to vote for the future of your children. Please don't feel the compulsion to vote for illiterate thugs just so that you can defeat the Muslims. We've already been defeated. Thanks.
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